Sale at TJS

Originally posted on W. P. Artisans:
TJS Right now, there is an active coupon code (until July 5th) where you can get a 10% discount on any item priced at $20.00 or more. As a thank you, you will receive a 15% discount coupon code that is good until November 1st. The thank you coupon…

Just Need a Hug

My daughter was swinging in her swing, and fell out landing in the dirt. She just laid there, saying over and over, “I am okay, I am not hurt.” I sat there letting her say it, as she laid in the dirt. After she stopped I asked her, “Are you sure you’re okay.” She quickly…

Embrace the Curves!

I am a big girl, I rarely wear any clothing that exposes too much skin. But, as this snapchat says, it was 106° the other day. So, this summer will be the Embrace Your Curves  kind of summer. I am going to try and get over my insecurities, because I am tired of baking like…

“I was 21 before I even considered having sex.”

Originally posted on GUY:
Growing up, I wasn’t the most confident person socially, but I was incredibly confident intellectually. This lead me to be an introvert for most of my childhood. Once I got to highschool things changed. I’ve always been comfortable in my own skin, and the older you get that translates into confidence.…

Just My Opinion.

So this flag offends people, because they do not understand the history behind it, but would rather be offended and their sensitive feelings hurt over what they misinformly think it represents, and now is being banned and taken down. So what is next? Perhaps we should remove the cross Jesus died on, since it represents…